Sunday, October 4, 2009

So I've got some friends...

So we all have friends, right? I mean, most of us do, and if you're one of the few unlucky souls that has nobody they can call a TRUE FRIEND, then I pity the fool. Naw, JK, I don't pity you. It's not that hard to get up and start making a friend or two............. so go do it.

I like to think of my friends as...special. Anyone who knows us or has been around us for any given period of time, can tell that "something" is just not right about all of us. I strongly believe that we were all put in eachothers lives for a reason, and that reason is because normal girls that talk about hair/makeup/clothes/boys all day couldn't handle us. So the crazy bitches are all together, causing a scene wherever we go. There is a method to our madness....I promise.

We don't talk about clothes, boys, makeup, hair-none of that shit. In any given moment, you would hear MY friends talking about drugs, diapers, periods, sex (and not that love making type of stuff...), smoking, booze, murder (mostly how we would kill eachother), beating off, gang wars, and all the BS you see in US Weekly. Yeah, we are all obsessed with US weekly, which can be considered "girly", if you choose to ignore the fact that ALL MEN LOOK THRU THOSE MAGAZINES TOO!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!! They just refese to admit it. whateva.

I have a friend that I call bombtwinz, and she is LOUD, obnoxious, and asian. All the 3 best things rolled into one. She gets louder and crazier when she is with ME, cuz she knows if anything was to seriously go down in public, I would protect her 97lb ass. Skinny little thing she is. Shes a mad shit talker, and gets louder and louder when more people start staring and us when we're out. Shes got a twin sister that we all call Woody, so that's double the trouble. They are terrible asian drivers (it takes both of them to changes lanes, lots of communication......), they are skinny, little loud mouth bitches who talk about sex and beating off all the time. And theyre not kidding.

So then theres another one I like to call Dezo, AKA Moons. She is the "mexican" of the group, and although she claims to be something other than mexican, we all still call her that anyway. It doesnt matter, you know? She can def be the loudest person in the group at times, screaming random things like "hammy", "DP", "westside" and all kinds of other shit...then when people decide to LOOK at us like WE'RE the crazy ones, shes the one to look right back and scream "WHAT?" to them, while the rest of us shoot dirty looks to the innocent bystanders. I mean shit, if you can't take the heat get the FUCK out of our kitchen, feel me???

Then there's a girl we call Mud Butt Mitchel, or Egg...depending on how we feel that day. Nobody really knows how she got those nicknames, but theyve stuck for years. They aint goin NO WHERE. As much as she fuckin HATES when we call her that shit (many fights have erupted from us callin her out her name), we still do it. Dezo and I both get pleasure from making her LIVID, so thats exactly what we do. Nobody really knows why she's still our friend, but we don't really care. The torment will continue until we're all hella old and nasty, dying together in the same care home.

I think everytime I log onto this site, I'll give a little more info about each one of my friends. Theres Dakota Cumalot, Diaper Queen, Blood, Trish, EBoB, Strawberry Shortcake, Jade, Hostess, Emo Snaggletooth Pube Girl, and a few more that are worth typing shit about.

After typing this shit, I realized how much I hate all my fucked up, stupid ass friends. But I know the feeling is mutual and thats all that matters. We've been through crazy shit-near death experiences, sex clubs, broken faces, accidents, hospital trips, fights, secret strippers, police incidents, drug runs, and a lot of wasted time, money and brian cells.
BUT....... I wouldn't have it any other way.

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